PTA Membership 2024-2025
Grand View PTA
Join Today!
If you have multiple students in your family, complete the form and click “Add to Cart” for each student.
Grand View achieves excellence in education because of the strong support of our families and community. Donations to our PTA help fill the gap in state funding, allowing us to provide essential programs and experiences to our students. This year, GVPTA will spend over $550 per student. We need your help to ensure that we can provide our students with an enriching school experience.
We ask that each family contributes $450 per child, which includes the $100 mandatory district technology fee. If you are unable to contribute the full amount, please donate any amount that is meaningful to your family. At Grand View, our goal is 100% participation!
Every dollar donated goes directly towards your student(s) experience during the school year including:
- Classroom Technology including Chromebooks and Smart Boards
- Library Books and Resources
- Teacher Classroom Supplies
- Office Supplies and Equipment
- Field Trips
- Grade Level Programs (hip hop, breakdancing, public speaking, etc.)
- Young at Art, Science Lab, and Makerspace Supplies
- Textbooks and Learning Materials
- Assemblies and School Celebrations
- Social Emotional Learning Programs
- P.E. Equipment
- Facilities Improvements
- Student Safety Equipment such as Security Cameras
Make Your Annual Pledge to MBEF The Grand View PTA works hand-in-hand with MBEF to supplement the financial needs of operating our school. PTA dollars pay for equipment, resources and special experiences that are exclusive to Grand View. MBEF provides key enrichment programs and teachers throughout the entire district. This partnership is essential to maintaining the strength of our schools.
Small class sizes. Librarians. P.E. teachers. Advisors. Music teachers. Science Teachers. You won’t find them in this year’s state budget. You will find them in Manhattan Beach schools. Thanks to your generous donations last year, MBEF raised enough money to maintain our high-quality programs and the quality teachers that allow our district to be ranked THIRD in the State. And the drive continues. Better schools. Better communities. Is there a better reason? This pledge must be made directly to MBEF, so visit the MBEF website to make your pledge.
Corporate Matching
Corporate Matching Gifts are an easy way to contribute to your child’s education. Here is a list of local companies that have previously participated. If your employer has a Corporate Matching Gift Program, Grand View’s Tax ID number is #95-6204597. You may have your company representative send an e-mail to if they need any other information.
School Supplies
Order your child’s school supplies for next year and they will be delivered to your child’s classroom before the 1st day of school. Our teachers appreciate it when you order through the PTA because all students have all the same supplies. Families love it because we make it easy for students to be 100% ready for the first day of school! Make selections based on the grade your child will be for the 2023-2024 school year.
If you need to purchase supplies for multiple students, complete the form and click “Add to Cart” for each student.